"King" Stubleb

"King" Stubbleb was the leader of a goblin tribe of about 600 members in Scarnoctis underground and just north of the County of Polnoc.   Stubbleb was not especially strong or smart but he was very strong willed and tenacious which is how he managed to claw his way up to leadership of his tribe and maintain the rulership of his tribe until an unexpected flood killed over three quarters of the tribe, Stubbleb included.   Even in death, Stubbleb would not give up his kingship. Stubbleb became an unusually powerful ghost haunting the flooded remains of domain. Via force of will, he managed to animate several of his former subjects as aquatic zombies. He could also cure enemies with bad luck.   He defended his meager territory and riches drowning any would-be trespassers until he attacked an underground flotilla guarded by Neshik the gnome and company. Neshik was able to send Stubbleb into oblivion while his companions destroyed the zombies though this was not an easy battle and it prompted the party to immediately seek better weapons capable of hitting incorporeal creatures.
Current Location
1801 CE 1837 CE 36 years old
Circumstances of Death


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