Abjuration Spell Descriptions

First Circle Abjuration Spells

    Alarm: Ward an area against intrusion with a loud alarm for two hours per success. Perception Persistent   Endure Elements: Targets avoid harm from mundane heat and cold. Each success wards one target for four hours. Stamina Spread     Protection: Target gains a number of protective effects. They gain a die of soak against all forms of damage that stacks with other protection. Attacks by demons and spirits against the target are at +1 difficulty. Targets get one die on Willpower rolls when resisting magical attacks. Lasts ten minutes per success. Charisma Persistent   Shield (shield proficiency): Gain a floating magic shield providing passive penalty of +1 to hit you for two minutes per success. Dexterity Persistent      

Second Circle Abjuration Spells

  Dispel Magic: Caster reduces a spells successes of another spell on a one-for-one basis comparing successes. Permanent magical items and effects are not destroyed but are suppressed for one turn per success. Dispel can be saved as an action for later to counter an enemy caster’s spell as they cast it much like a declared dodge or parry. Wits Instant   Illusion Alarm (per dot of Illusions, Alarm): Caster is alerted if illusions are nearby for two hour per success. This does not tell you what is hidden or changed, just that something is nearby and it does not include mundane disguises or transmuted things. If 10 drams of reagents are used, the spell lasts for two days per success rolled rather than two hours.Perception Persistent   Protection Circle (Protection): As Protection, but it affects one target per success. Charisma Spread   Protection from Energy (Endure Elements): Target gets successes in a soak pool against energy attacks. Stamina Persistent      

Third Circle Abjuration Spells

    Dragon's Resilience (each dot of Transmutation, Protection, Protection Circle): One subject per success may soak lethal or aggravated damage with their base Stamina score. This stacks with armor. Intelligence Spread     Material Bullwark (per dot of Conjuration): If targeted at a single spirt, this will inflict one level of bashing damage per success, soakable normally, unless it's a one health level spirit in which case the spirit is banished automatically.   If this targeted at a Conjurer or Spirit theurgist this will banish all spirits the target is currently controlling, if and only if the abjurer matches or exceed her target's casting roll for said spirits.   If targeted at a summoned elemental, this will disrupt the control of the elemental if the caster matches or beats the enemy conjurers successes. This will not banish the elemental, this will only make it go feral.   If targeted at a feral elemental elemental. This will make the elemental move away from the abjurer for one round per success rolled.   This spell costs 10 drams of reagents to use.Stamina Instant   Obscure Divination (per dot of Divination): The character can ward objects, people, or locations from scrying. Into the Weeds: How Scrying Works for details. This normally takes 10 minutes of casting and costs 5 drams of reagents. Manipulation Instant*   Reactive Dispel Magic^ (Dispel Magic): Caster reduces a spells successes of another spell on a one-for-one basis comparing successes. Permanent magical items and effects are not destroyed but are suppressed for one turn per success. Reactive Dispel can be used in place of any unused B-action like a reactive dodge or parry. Wits Instant   Re-Corporealization (per dot of Necromancy): Wards an area against incorporeal creatures for one day per success. Incorporeal creatures that enter the area become solid with all the benefits and hindrances of that, especially being stopped by walls and hurt by mundane weapons. This includes incorporeal creatures that are naturally incorporeal or corporeal creatures temporarily gaining the incorporeal trait. Material component is a small quantity of Silverwood worth about 10 silver pieces. Wits Persistent   True Form (per dot of Transumation): Transmutation effects on targets body are at +3 difficulty for one hour per success. Stamina Persistent      

Fourth Circle Abjuration Spells

    Greater Dispel Magic (Dispel Magic): Caster reduces a spells successes of another spell on a one-for-one basis comparing successes. The dispeller gets a -1 difficulty break. Permanent magical items and effects are not destroyed but are suppressed for one turn per success. Wits Instant   Invisibility Purge (all invisibility spells): Invisible creatures are revealed within ten foot radius per success rolled in that are for one hour per the caster's Willpower. If 10 drams of reagents are consumed, the spell lasts for a week per the caster's Willpower and automatically fills a large room or small building.Perception Instant   Remove Curse (any persistent hex spell) : Removes a curse from target reducing successes of curse on a one-for-one basis. Unlike dispel magic, this can target specific effects rather than blanket hitting all magic in the area, but it can only remove harmful magic, not beneficial magic. Even if its beneficial to the caster's enemies. This can also undo "persistent" magic on a success-per-success basis rather than on an all-or-nothing basis. Only one person or object at a time can be targeted.Stamina Instant   Stone Skin (Shield): Target gains a soak pool equal to successes rolled stacking with other forms of armor. Material components cost roughly 50 drams of reagents Stamina Persistent    

Fifth Circle Abjuration Spells

    Greater Reactive Dispel Magic^ (Dispel Magic, Reactive Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic): As Reactive Dispel magic but the caster’s opposed roll is at -1 difficulty. Wits Instant   Mass Remove Curse ((any persistent hex spell, Remove Curse): As Remove Curse but it indscriminates all debilitating spells in a wide area. Charisma Instant

Condensed Spell List

  (1) Alarm (Perception), Endure Elements (Stamina), Protection (Charisma), Shield (Dexterity)   (2) Dispel Magic (Wits), Illusion Alarm (Perception), Protection Circle (Charisma), Protection from Energy (Stamina),   (3) Dragon's Resilience (Intelligence), Material Bullwark (Stamina), Obscure Scrying (Manipulation), Reactive Dispel Magic (Wits), Re-Corporealization (Wits), True Form (Stamina),   (4) Greater Dispel Magic (Wits), Invisibility Purge (Perception), Remove Curse (Stamina), Stone Skin (Stamina),   (5) Greater Reactive Dispel Magic (Wits), Mass Remove Curse (Charisma)

Cover image: "You Shall Not Pass" screen shot by Peter Jackson and Sir Ian McKellan


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