Aheneus Dosia of the Day

Dosia is a freshly minted Aheneus in the Fumayan Keepers.   She is also fairly freshly anointed. Manifesting Crafts ● and Divination ●. Her superiors have ordered to begin training in alchemy hoping to groom into the role of a talented potioneer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Influenced by the famed magic font (with fire energy) near Castle Wiern, and with parents who are very earthy and watery respectively, Dosia very elementally ambiguous. Otherwise, she is unremarkable, medium height, medium build.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A fairly shy daughter of pie makers. She was always more interested in burying a nose in a history or fiction book than in rolling dough. Eventually she convinced her parents to let her join the Nonagon to give her bookish a more respectable and constructive outlet.   While initially she would have joined almost any priesthood, the Zara of the Dawn saw potential in her and sponsored her induction into the Fumayan Keepers where she excelled at her studies and caught on to Khemra theology.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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