
(Manipulation + Survival)   ● Subject gains a bonus of one die to all non-magical die rolls for one scene. Persistent   ●● Targets gains bonus attribute points for one scene. Only one attribute at a time can be boosted but the successes can be spread out over several targets. May not boost an attribute above the maximum of the target’s race. One attribute boost per success rolled. Spread   ●●● Gain enhancements along the lines of various natural creatures such as water breathing or doubled running speed for a scene. Alternatively gain lesser enhancements for a week such as being able to sustain oneself on a fraction of their normal food and water. Persistent   ●●●● Targets gains bonus attribute points for one scene. A wide variety of attributes can be boosted, and the successes can be spread out over several targets. May not boost an attribute above the maximum of the target’s race plus one. Two attribute boosts per success rolled. Spread   ●●●●● Gain blatantly supernatural enhancements like flight, walking on water, or being wreathed with fire that harms enemies. Persistent

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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