Baron Fyodor Deorac IV

Baron Fyodor Deorac, IV

The only son of Lord Fyodor Deorac III, named for their famous ancestor King Fyodor Deorac.   In his youth he was a stalwart knight who won tournaments and had some successful adventurers. He also dabbled in a bit of wizardry. As he got older he became a good manger and diplomat. As reward for his excellent service he was made a Baron.   Due to his fame, talent and charisma he is the unofficial leader of the Swynfaredian hawks.   He has four daughters and no sons.  

Old personable Baron who hates Swynfaredians. Helped Kormatin coordinate anti-Swynfaredian activities.

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Baron Fyodor Deorac IV   Willpower 8, 60 max quintessence   Dexterity 2, Strength 2, Stamina 3, Appearance 2, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Intelligence 3, Perception 3, Wits 3   Abilities: Alertness 2, Animal Ken 1, Archery 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Commerce 2 (+1 haggling), Dodge 1, Empathy 2, Enigmas 1, Etiquette 3 (+1 formal courts), Expression 1, Hearth Wisdom 1 (+1 reagents), History 2 (+1 Talama), Intimidation 2 (+1 pulling rank), Investigation 1, Leadership 4, Melee 1, Performance 1, Politics 3 (+1 Swynfaredia), Ride 2, Seneschal 2 (+1 his own Barony), Subterfuge 2, Survival 1, Theology 2 (+1 Cult of the Compact)   Rare Abilities: Spellcraft 2   Merits: Noble, Esteemed Ancestor, Baron, Wizard, Book Savant   Flaws: Infirm, Thin-Skinned, Contract Marked, Book Bound, Permanent Limp,   Transmutation 2: (1) Dark Vision (5d), Expedition Retreat (4d), Feather Fall (4d), Jump (4d), (2) Haste (4d), Fly (4d)   Abjuration 3: (1) Alarm (5d), Endure Elements (5d) Obscure Object (5d), Protection (6d), Shield (4d) (2) Dispel Magic (5d), Illusion Alarm (5d), Obscure Person (5d), Protection Circle (6d), (3) Obscure Area (6d)   Divination 2: (1) Detect Magic (5d), Detect Poison (5d), Detect Void Creatures (5d), (2) See Invisibility (5d), Scrying (5d), Sense Enchantment (5d)

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake
Character Portrait image: Baron Fyodor IV by Eron12 with Hero Forge


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