Dafydd ap Gruffyl

Dafydd ap Gruffyl (a.k.a. the hulking brute)

Daffyd was a very large quarter dragon without sorcery.   He was hot tempered and hot headed. He bragged a lot about his glorious future and was a relentless bully in his adolescence. Later, when he was revealed to be a squib and many of the boys he bullied turned out to be sorcerers, they mocked him ruthlessly.   This made Daffyd's temper even worse and he got in many brawls and began to drink heavily.   One night after drinking a literally inhuman quantity of ale, he was attacked by several assailants and murdered in an alley way. Daffyd managed to kill two of his attackers leaving three mangled bodies in the alley.   His parents captured, tried, and executed many local criminals but they claimed they were set up.  
1690 CE 1712 CE 22 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hallisan's Zodiac Year, Maylar's Zodiac Month
Circumstances of Death
murdered in an alley way

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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