Dalak the Dark One

Dalak was a human fighter of common birth who managed to make a name for himself surviving difficult battles that killed most of his fellow soldiers. Eventually he gained enough of a reputation for valor to attract Malthias'  attention. Said to be the most charming of the original vampires, it’s believed Dalak’s silver tongue caused Malthias to overlook his weak moral character.   After Malthias' death, Dalak tried to convince his fellow vampires that they had no more ties to mortals. He narrowly avoided being killed by the others after this pronouncement and fled. Dalak eventually joined up with one of Malthias' lich foes. The lich in question was one of the rare infernalists attempting to conspire with the creatures of the Void. Dalak became his lieutenant. His new master had a citadel in the Near Void but Dalak could not remain there long because he needed blood.   He serves his new master covertly in Scarterra, but his master operated on a very slow time table and rarely gives orders. That gave Dalak a lot of time to work on his own projects. He turned created far more vampires than his master guessed. Dalak recruited as many wizards as he could. He ordered his minions to focus on researching an alternative for sustenance to drinking blood. His goal is to be able to survive indefinitely within the Void. Once able to do so he will replace his master and be the lead collaborator with the demons during their next great incursion.   Dalak’s followers are few in number in order to keep a low profile. Few living beings are even aware of Dalak’s brood (who normally impersonate Vladimir the Conqueror's  bloodline if discovered) and fewer still know what their intentions are. The other vampire founders are aware of his intentions to ally with demon kind, though they do not know specifics. Other vampires generally kill Dalak’s progeny every chance they get. Even Vladimir’s lineage finds Dalak’s brood revolting.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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