Dizzy Poison

Resisted at difficulty 6 with a small dose put on an arrowhead, or spear point.   Difficulty 7 to resist if using a double dose. Difficulty 8 to resist if using a quadruple dose.   If you poison a melee weapon, you are generally going to lose a dose of poison per hit.  

Stamina Roll to resist

  Botch: No actions at all of for 30 seconds (one combat round). This means a flying target will drop like a stone.   One die everything penalty ten minutes, One die Dexterity penalty twenty minutes, one die fine motor skills penalty (including flying) for forty minutes. Penalties are cumulative   Failure: One die everything penalty two minutes, One die Dexterity penalty five minutes, one die fine motor skills penalty (including flying) for twenty minutes. Penalties are cumulative   One Success: One die everything penalty for 30 seconds (one combat round), One die Dexterity penalty two minutes, one die fine motor skills penalty (including flying) for five minutes. Penalties are cumulative   Two Successes: One die Dexterity for 30 seconds (one combat round), one die fine motor skills penalty (including flying) for two minutes. Penalties are cumulative   Three Successes: one die fine motor skills (including flying) for 30 seconds (one combat round). -1 difficulty resisting next dose of poison.   Four Successes: No effect, -1 difficulty resisting next dose of poison.
bitter and foul
bitter and foul
like somewhat brownish honey

Cover image: by Me with Midjourney


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