Duchess Nia

Duchess Nia of Uwcharadaredia

Duchess Nia never expected to be a duchess and she never wanted to be one. She was studying to be an alchemist originally, she learned the trade very fast for one so young. She was the third born child of the previous Duke and her two older siblings died in tragic accident, one of which is believed to be a somewhat suspicious accident.   Now that she is duchess, her sense of duty pushes her to try to be the best Duchess she can be.   Considered by all who met her to be brilliantly intelligent, she is somewhat of a wallflower and would much rather bury her nose in a book or alchemists lab rather than deal with matters of state, but she has applied her keen mind to make sound leadership decisions when it comes to managing resources though she lacks charisma and is not able to quash the petty infighting between her vassals.   Despite having a mostly plutonic relationship with her husband, the couple "did their duty" enough times that they have five children, 17 (F), 15 (M), 12 (F), 11 (F), and 8 (M).   The heir apparent Catrin seems to be her father's daughter, a natural socialite. She is a decent administer but doesn't have her mother's head for facts and figures. Somewhat of a tomboy, she is more interested in warfare and other martial pursuits than either of her parents and is pretty good with a rapier.
Year of Birth
1800 CE 38 Years old

Cover image: Map of the Border Baronies by Pendrake


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