Greymoria's Second Goat

A It is well known that Mera, the Hearth Goddess, is also the goddess of marriage and family so she is invoked a lot before, during, and after weddings to invite her blessing.   It is known that the goddess Greymoria, Mother of Monsters, loathes Mera and loves to sabotage her sister's efforts simply out of spite.   It is common at weddings for some kind of offering to be made to Greymoria to placate her wrath so she doesn't curse the young couple and their descendants.   That is sort of the norm outside of weddings too. Mortals pray to Mera to ask for blessings and mortals pray to Greymoria to beg for mercy. At weddings, they are at least subtle about it.


Among the humans of the Colassian Confederacy, it is common for them to use scapegoats. A goat is used to symbolically or literally absorb a curse instead of the human or humans. The curse is invited onto the goat then the goat is slain and buried or thrown into deep water.   The above ritual a little dark and grisly for a wedding which kind of wrecks the happy vibe, so a workaround was developed.   Most wedding feasts in East Colassia included goat meat. Greymoria is treated as an honored guest. A table is set out for her.   Whether the wedding feast features two goats or two hundred goats, the second goat always goes to Greymoria's table along with side dishes. Greymoria's table may be an empty table with her holy piece as the center piece or less commonly, a priest or priestess at the table might actually be present to eat the meal. If there is a Greymoria priest or priestess present, he or she rarely invokes a prayer or ritual, they just take their meal polite and thank their hosts.
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Cover image: domestic goat (public domain) by George Chernilevsky


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