Half-Satyr Babies

Satyrs are known to be promiscuous. Satyrs are also known to have a mating preference for non-satyrs. This might be a desire to avoid unwanted children.   If two satyrs have intercourse a single time, the odds of them conceiving a child are roughly the same as the odds of two humans conceiving a child a single time. Satyrs also are more prone to twins, with about one-in-four satyr births produce fraternal twins.   If a satyr has intercourse with a non-satyr, the odds of conception are much lower and the odds of a miscarriage are moderately higher. That said, satyrs often sleep with non-satyrs a lot, so eventually some children are produced, most of these children resemble normal half-human half-elves, albeit generally half-elves that are a bit stockier and more athletic than average, and definitely on the hairier side.  
by Me with Hero Forge

Satyrs and Elves

  Satyrs are genetic descendants of Second Age elves, most of the time you will get a mostly normal satyr or a mostly normal elf. If the satyr is mother, you get satyr baby half the time and an elf baby half the time. If the elf is the mother, you get an elf 75% of the time and a satyr 25% of the time.   If the result is an elf, it will have minor traits of the satyr parent. Relative to the average elf, this child will probably age a little bit faster, have a little bit faster growing hair, be of above average vitality and strength, and below average height. Relatively to other elves, they probably have a mild bias towards living "fast time". If the child is unlucky, they will have a club foot and/or have tiny horns that are normally hidden by the long hair most elves favor.   If the result is a satyr, it will have minor traits of the elf parent. Relative to the average satyr, it will age a bit slower and be more cerebral and stoic. If the child is unlucky, the child will be a bit sickly and/or have noticeably weak horns that other satyrs will crack jokes about.   If the mother is satyr, there is about a 15% chance of twins and if the elf is the mother, there is about a 2% chance of twins. It is possible to have twins of different manifesting races.  

Satyrs and Humans

  If the mother is a human, you get a full satyr about 1% of the time and if the mother is a satyr, you get a full satyr about 5% of the time. Otherwise you usually end up with a more or less normal half-elf. Chances are the half-elf will grow up to be physically robust and generally gregarious and extroverted. It is uncommon but unfortunate for said half-elves to be born with a club foot. It is rare but not unheard of for them to have tiny horns. They may choose to hide them or flaunt them. While a satyr will rib on another satyr for having small horns, satyrs tend to warmly embrace half-elves with small horns as kin.   If the mother is satyr, there is about a 25% chance of twins and if the mother is human, there is about a 5% chance of twins. It is possible to have twins of different manifesting races.  

Satyrs and Half-Elves

  If the mother is a half-elf, about 10% of the time you will get a more or less normal satyr and about 90% of the time you will get a more or less normal half-elf. If the mother is a satyr, about 20% of time you will get a more or less normal satyr and about 80% of the time you will get a more or less normal half-elf. If the "half-elf" happens to be a half-satyr, the chance of producing a satyr baby goes up substantially.   If the mother is satyr, there is about a 20% chance of twins and if the mother is half-elf, there is about a 3% chance of twins. It is possible to have twins of different manifesting races.  

Satyrs and Dragons

  Dragons are known for creating half-dragons with many races and satyrs are known for sleeping around. That said, half-dragon satyrs are pretty rare. Lots of satyrs joke about wanting to bed a dragon, but few dragons reciprocate the sexual curiosity and even if they do indulge, the chance of conception are pretty low. That is not to say that it never happens, it is simply rare.   Unsurprisingly, half-dragon satyrs have very large horns. If the mother is a satyr, she will probably die during child birth without magical healing on hand.   History tends to focus on the extreme examples, but most stories about half-dragon half-satyrs are not flattering. Dragons are known for their avarice and satyrs are known for hedonism and poor impulse control. Half-dragon satyrs are often bullies, thieves, and rapists. They often die young because they make many enemies. That doesn't mean there never were half-dragon satyrs who were heroic or at least benign, but half-dragon satyrs are largely defined by the negative stereotype.   Due to the "Leaky Bucket" metaphysics of draconic geneaology, satyr half-dragons are not especially fertile and the children the do produce tend to have minimal draconic traits that fade quickly over generations.   Unlike most other interacial satyr couplings, Satyr/dragon couplings are not prone to creating twins or if they do produce twins, they are almost certain to miscarry.  

Satyrs and everyone else

  Satyrs don't seem to be able to conceive children with any other race not mentioned above.   Gnomes and dwarves have a bias against half-breed babies but since it is impossible for them to conceive a half-satyr baby, some of them view sleeping with satyrs as a guilty pleasure.

Cover image: by Me with Hero Forge


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