How Scaraquans see the land in metaphysical terms

Sea, with a capital "S" is a great cosmic force. sea with a small "s" is simply a basic descriptor of geography. Water with a capital "W" is the primal essence of the Sea, and water with a small "w" is just a common thing. Nevertheless, "water" is by extension part of "Water" and therefore in it's own way holy.   In a similar vein, Sky is a primal force with a capital "S", different from "the sky" with a small "s." "Fire" with a capital "F" is the primal energy of light and warmth from the sun, moon, and stars. "fire" is just a thing that occurs outside of water (though it is fascinating in it's own way.)   The "Sea Floor" is a lesser cosmic force differentiated from the noncapitalized "sea floor."   The land is no big deal. There is no "Land" with a capital "L" or Earth with a capital "E." To most Scraquans, land is a collection of rocks and dirt, a pale imitation of the Sea Floor, which is basically a sidekick to the Sea and Sky anyway.   Some Scaraquans, take these even farther and liken the land to a hairball, piece of vomit, or turd that Sky and/or Sea excreted while they were making real life in the Sea.   So how is it that life on land exists at all if it's a dead piece of rock upchucked from the universe?   The goddess, Kontona, is responsible. Life exists in the oceans because the Sons of the Sky and the Daughters of the Sea agreed to share their Fire and Water respectively.   The Sea collects warmth and light from the sun and moon while this in turn allows Water to evaporate and the sky to fill with moisture.   Fire is wild by it's nature, Heekma cannot prevent light and warmth from landing on the land (not that he has any reason to try to stop this). Sometimes this can even create lesser fires that burn.   Much as Taedi once seduced Dalgari into stealng some fire for her , Kontona seduced and tricked Dalgari into disrupting the transfer of moisture into the sky, creating clouds which leak Water down onto the Land in the form of rain.   The rainfall has created Little Seas, lakes, rivers, ponds, and aquifers that store water on land. Between this and the rain. This allows Scarterra to support life similar to Scaraqua on what should otherwise be a barren piece of rock.   Not every Scaraquan resents Scarterra for "stealing" their rain. Many are delighted that the essence of Water is bringing life to the land.

Do Scarterrans believe any of this?

  No, they don't.   How Scarterrans view the sea in metaphysical terms

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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