
Soft interrogation is when the interrogator tries to lead his subject into providing information requires an extended Manipulation + Empathy roll. Harsh interrogation involves the threat or use of brutal force and requires an extended Manipulation + Intimidation roll.   Soft interrogation the target resists with Willpower. Harsh interrogation, the target resists with Willpower or Stamina + 3, whichever is higher. The more net successes the questioner gets, the more information they receive. If the questioner gets more net successes than the target’s Willpower, they surrender and share everything.   A botch for either party is quite bad. If the questioner botches they either seriously harm the subject or become totally convinced by false information. If the target botches a roll, they probably blurt out some important secret.   Torture can only be carried out so long without inflicting serious harm on the subject. Each turn of torture either inflicts a level of bashing damage for physical torture or a loss of a temporary Willpower point for psychological torture. If the subject is brought to Incapacitated or a temporary Willpower pool of zero, the target collapses.

Cover image: Screen Shot from Shrek by Dreamworks Studios


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