King Ziven Linijika II, the Wise

King Ziven II Linijka (a.k.a. the Wise)

From birth, he was expected to inherit the crown, so he was named for his grandfather Ziven Linijka the First.   Ziven the Second inherited the crown from his father King Domingo Linijika from a young age and himself lived to a ripe old age.   Ziven II long reign is viewed favorably by historians.  He has earned the nickname King Ziven the Wise.   Though his marriage was arranged, he and his wife were said to be deeply in love and they had two sons and five daughters.   Birth order: daughter (1574-1616), son Ziven III (1576-1638), daughter (1577-1665), daughter (1579-1656), daughter (1581-1631), Henryk 1 (1583-1611), daughter (1585-1587), daughter (1585-1648).    
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1550 CE 1622 CE 72 years old
Circumstances of Birth
crown prince of Fumaya
Circumstances of Death
old age

Cover image: Royal Seal of Fumaya by Me using Worldspinner's Heraldry creator


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