Lady Bethan ap Gruffyl, aka the Amazing Lowri

Lady Bethan ap Gruffyl (a.k.a. the Amazing Lowri)

Bethan was the only surviving child of Lady Nesta ap Gruffyl and a sorceress.   She butted heads with her mother and House Gruffyl as a whole.   She is a skilled conjurer and illusionist. She essentially ran away to join the circus and joined a troupe of traveling performers pretending to be a wild sorceress of no lineage. When her family eventually tracked her down to get her "out of this wild phase and into a proper marriage" she revealed that she married a common born acrobat already and they had been married for three years, so nullifying was not really a question.   Though she never had kids, so the marriage might have been a farce, there were enough witnesses that it was legally binding.  
Year of Birth
1796 CE 42 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Zarthus Zodiac Month, Nami's Zodiac Month
normal matching eyes

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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