Lady Lunet the Bald

Lady Lunet Numaness (a.k.a. the Bald)

Lunet was a second generation dragon blood.  Third born child, first born daughter of Lady Gwyn Fremiss of the Locks and Lord Travers Numaness of the Dragon's Breath.     It was not uncommon for first and second generation dragon bloods to have sparse or nonexistence hair on their scalps, but Lune was the only one of her many siblings to not inherit even a wisp of her mother's famous hair giving her the unflattering nickname "the Bald" though she was okay with the name and made a lot of jokes about it in public.   She was a skilled manager, charming diplomat, and powerful sorceress taking a jack of all trades approach, picking up spells from many schools of magic.  
956 CE 1122 CE 166 years old
Circumstances of Death
old age accelerated by stress

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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