First Page
Letter dicated by the order of King Henryk Linijka Third of his name, king of Fumaya, Protector of the Many Lakes, Defender of the Nonagon, Duke of Linijka and Count of South Lake.
Greetings and honor to his majesty's loyal retainer, Aurum Kormatin of the Dusk, Royal Investigator of Fumaya and honored member of the Order of the Lantern.
His majesty
commands Kormatin and Sir Bendek answers a summons to a formal court appearance upon the morning of the 12th Day of the Month of Harvesting for a strategic meeting of critical importance.
Let Jaromir know when this missive is received. Please burn this page after you read it.
Second page
His majesty
requests Kormatin and company accept the king's invitation to attend the four-day festival honoring the crown prince's birthday stretching from the 18th of the Month of Hayseed to the 22nd.
While there are likely to be low-level spies at this public festival, his majesty does not require his Royal Investigator to be on duty for this event. His majesty simply wishes that a hero of the icon of the Fumayan people be visible and accessible to the Fumayan people.
Also, his majesty believed his loyal servants deserve a moment of levity and recreation. Fumaya will likely have few moment of levity in the near future.
If you accept the King's invitation, please confer with Apogee Jaromir who would appreciate your participation in the opening ritual invoking the Nine's blessing. Other than this, you would have no formal duty requirements for Khemra or his majesty.
Sir Gedali is organizing the Royal Jousting Tournament, Grand Melee, and Royal Archery Contest if you or any of your companions wish to participate in any or all of these.
Rosanhi, Mistress of Phases, of the Fumayan Lanterns has the master schedule for the various Hay Day Contests should you or your companions with wish to participate in them.
With warm regards,
Chancellor _______, loyal servant of the Crown