Lord Gerek

Lord Gerek

Second born son of Count Adrion. Step brother to Kormatin.   Lord Gerek is something of the black sheep of his family.  He has little patience for managing estates and despite a life time of military training is only a mediocre warrior.  He officially a member of the Fumayan Guardians, but it seemed like he would never be a theurgist much to his father's dismay.   Given his lack of abilities with administrative tasks, the Guardians mostly put him on guard duty.  Because he was highborn, he is usually assigned high profile guard duties, so he is part of the honor guard at the main Hallisan temple in King's Lake.   His ceremonial duties became real duties when he unexpectedly joined trhe ranks of the anointed. Revered Mother Frymar quickly transferred him to the front lines, assigning him to a squad of elite infantry.  
Current Location
Year of Birth
1810 CE 28 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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