
Mania are the spirits of deceased mortals lost to madness. A majority of them are the result of mortals whose madness in life drove them to suicide causing them to emerge as a mania shortly after their death, but any mortal whose last days were defined by madness can theoretically become a mania.   It is possible but rare for an ordinary ghost to go mad after death and become a mania.   Regardless of what created an mania, it is nearly impossible to discern anything from the former mortal life of an mania. First off, they are completely incapable of understanding or communicating mortal speech. They gibber incoherently constantly.   Their appearance becomes a shifting mass of plasma making it impossible to recognize them by sight for the mortals they once were. The exact appearance of a mania varies from indiviual to individual. Some of them resemble frayed robes, others a mass of a shadowy tentacles, others a vaguely humanoid cloud of grey mist.   Mania are pretty rare, as madness based suicides are not that common and not every madness based suicide creates an mania. A tiny handful of Greymoria's most sadistic followers have deliberately driven beings to madness attempting to create mania, but this rarely seems to work. Most mania show up incidentally with no one’s planning.   One of the Demon Lords, the Successor, created a lot of mania in his prison soul farms. It’s unknown whether this was deliberate or incidental, but even in the Third Age, the lands around the ruins of his former prisons have more mania than the rest of the world combined.   Mania are incorporeal non-humanoid undead that basically look like a disembodied set of frayed robes or shadows. In combat they will ceaselessly try to flail and bludgeon their opponents but this does no damage. The real damage is the mental drain their sanity rending touches imposes.   Mania also have a hypnotic whine that will temporarily paralyze weak willed mortals.   A mortal slain by an mania does not have their soul destroyed and they do not become an mania themselves. Unless they happened to have been suffering from severe madness before the mania killed them than they might become an mania in death, but that is extremely unlikely.

Mania in Scaraqua

  Mania can be created just as easily from Scaraquans that are driven to death by madness as they can by Scarterrans.   Being incorporeal, they are fully amphibious and are of the few undead types that can regularly move between land and sea.  An mania by the coast can be very deadly for a long time because they will instinctively seek out population clusters above and below the waves while also avoiding those armed with the means to harm them.
Mania Stats     Willpower 0 Lethal Soak 0   Dexterity 5, Strength 0, Stamina 0, Appearance 5, Charisma 5, Manipulation 0, Intelligence 0, Perception 2, Wits 5   Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2   Incorporeal.   Undead, subject to turning, immune to sleep, poison, and charm.   Turn Resistance 3     Sanity Rending: Mania have a touch attack (Dexterity + Brawl, difficulty 5) that bypasses most armor. Beings touched by an mania take two dice of mental attribute damage.   Anyone who attempts a telepathic contact or intrusion on an mania takes three dice of mental attribute damage.     Hypnotic Whine: The constant muttering and high pitched whining a mania will gradually wear down mortals within earshot. Characters in earshot take one level of mental attribute damage every 30 seconds they are in earshot, resisted by willpower.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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