Master of Gold

The Master of Gold is a position in the royal courts of the dwarf Kingdom of Meckelorn and dwarf Kingdom of Stahlheim.  The position is akin to the position of Steward in human dominated lands.   Most higher level vassals of the king in both nations have a Master of Coins, so there are Royal Masters of Coins and Ducal Masters of Coins.  Stahlheim sometimes has Counts employing Masters of Coins, but that is all but unheard of in Meckelorn.   Compared to human stewards, the Master of Gold is somewhat more militarized.  In addition to collecting taxes and paying the staff, the Master of Gold is expected to supervise the logistics of armories, food stores, and make sure supply lines and trade routes are secure.   In human lands, slightly over half of the Stewards are noblewomen.  By contrast, it is not impossible for high born dwarf women to serve as Master of Gold, but it's rare.  If that is case, they are the Mistress of Gold whereas "Steward" is generally a unisex title.     The Master of Coin is a very vital position in both Meckelorn and Stahlheim, but in Stahlheim lots of dwarves are competing fiercely for this position because it has much prestige behind it and in Meckelorn it's kind of viewed as difficult onerous work.   The difference is that Stahlheim is fairly rich and Meckelorn is fairly poor.  So in Stahlheim the Master of Coins is like a philanthropist that will give you stuff if you are nice to him and in Meckelorn the Master of Coin is the miser that questions every copper piece you use. "You left with 50 crossbow bolts and came back with 32!  You need to put more effort in recovering your shots!"
Nobility, Household

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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