Meckelorn Bat Bombadiers

For as long as kalazotz have fought non-flying enemies, they have enjoyed the tactic of flying overhead and dropping things on their foes, commonly rocks or nets. camazotz have used this tactic before but they prefer melee combat.  
1915 Swiss flechettes by historical artifact
Kalazotz that ally with dwarves have more sophisticated options. Now they have flechettes and crossbows alongside their traditional weapon of dropped nets.   Opponents can raise their shields over their head, but that only works if people are expecting death to rain from above. Kalazotz are relatively quiet flyers and can see in the dark perfectly. They are very difficult to spot at night or underground.



With the help of dwarf drill instructors, bombardier units of kalazotz have learned to tightly coordinate aerial bombardments with follow up infantry charges from dwarf allies.   If that is not feasible, kalazotz with crossbows are the follow up attack after the first wave of attackers drops their flachettes. Usually kalazotz crossbowmen are divided into two or three waves so while one group is reloading their crossbows, another group is firing their crossbows.


kalazotz practice flying from early childhood and have a number of games they play to improve their aerial agility, include Aerial Hackey sack so by adulthood, most kalazotz are pretty nimble flyers.   Once joining the military, they practice marksmanship with crossbows and practice dropping projectiles with accuracy.   And of course, the staple of dwarf led training is repetitive drills.


Logistical Support

Kalazotz can not fly very fast while carrying heavy loads so bombardier bats run out of things to drop pretty quickly.   If the kalazotz need to drop lots of projectiles, they probably have support bats carrying sacks of spare ammo. Usually adolescents or new recruits are the kalatzotz lugging the supplies this way.   Bombadiers will rotate in and out of the front lines periodically flying back to replace their lost ammo.


Dwarves don't pressure or conscript kalazotz to join the military. They ask for volunteers, and they nearly always get volunteers.
Air Force
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: Commissioned kalazotz flying, grey background by Diana Rahfoth


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