Mistress Estera
Estera is a retired adventurer and is the most powerful Folk Magician in Fumaya and a Master level Conjurer. Estera is effectively in charge of Sabbatzarod Coven as much as any one person can be in charge of a group this informal.
In theory, she is only one member of the ruling council Sabbatzarod Coven, and all major matters are determined by a vote. In practice, the other council member usually vote to support whatever she suggests. She is a very big proponent of the Coven's pervading laissez faire attitude. She didn't invent the policy, but she endorses it.
She doesn't commonly handle the day-to-day operations of the Coven. She doesn't even live in Yellowtree County, spending most of her time in a manor house in Ivanna City, though Ivanna City is pretty close to the Yellowtree castle, especially if you travel by magic.
Estera is one of the wealthiest people in Fumaya not of noble birth, and likes to surround herself with the finer things. She doesn't have a large staff of servants because she can conjure minions pretty easily.
She had accumulated wealth from her time as being an adventurer and she enjoys perks from the being a leader of Sabbatzarod Coven including living in the coven's best manor house for free. She has accumulated additional wealth constructing golems and Bags of Holding.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Estera was a Fumayan peasant by birth, but a folk witch saw potential in her and took her on as an apprentice. Esteria was a prodigy conjurer.
Estera fell in with an adventuring party that traveled about West Colassia, especially the Border Baronies Region. She eventually fell in love with a fellow party member.
The group was very successful at helping people and accumulating treasure until tragedy struck, and three out of five of the party died, including her lover.
After a period of mourning, Estera returned to Fumaya. She was already an honorary member of the Sabbatzarod Coven, but now she opted to play politics, if only to have something to do.
She also accumulated creature comforts. She claims she suffered and struggled in youth enough that she deserves some comfort, but this is arguably a coping mechanism.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1796 CE
42 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Greymoria's Zodiac Year
Aligned Organization