Non-dragons in the First Age
The beasts of the First Age were generally said to be larger than the beasts of today, but they were not radically different from the beasts of the Third Age. They were just bigger. After the First Unmaking, it s believed that Korus is believed to have altered the surviving beasts. ankhegs are one of the few First Age Beasts (apart from aquatic creaturs) that survived almost unchanged.
Some sapient races were created to serve the dragons. These were called thurekal. By far the most prevalent thurekal were the giants which came in many subspecies and in most realms were actually more numerous than the dragons.
A lot of sapient races were created to punish or even slay dragons. Most, if not all of these beings were created by Greymoria. Collectively Greymoria's monstrous children did little more than annoy dragon society as a whole. Greymoria's never managed to seriously harm dragon society doing little more than annoying the dragon kings and queens. In fact, many creatures Greymoria created to harm dragons were later bullied or bribed by dragons to sssentially make them thurakel. This happened with chimera and possibly with ocumati.