Player Characters creating finite magical items

Divine spell casters need Crafts Domain ●● to make potions and scrolls. They need ●●●● to make staffs and wands.   Arcane casters need the appropriate Merit for the item they intend to craft.   Divine spell-casters roll Manipulation + Crafts in an extended roll to create finite items. Arcane spell casters roll the same attribute + casting attribute they would normally roll, but subject to a different difficulty.   Every three successes garnered creates one potion, one scroll, one wand charge, etc. If a player rolls five successes on a single roll they have created two potions. If the character rolls more than five successes, the character gets two potions plus some carryover to their extended roll.     ● base difficulty 7, 2 hours per each roll   ●● base difficulty 8, 4 hours per each roll   ●●● base difficulty 9, 6 hours per each roll   ●●●● base difficulty 11, 8 hours per each roll   ●●●●● base difficulty 13, a full day per each roll     The base difficulty is subject to many potential modifiers (see the bottom sidebar). Characters need to lower the difficulty to at least 10 before they can even try to make magic items. Related ability modifiers are cumulative but they cannot lower the difficulty below 4.   Each roll consumes some reagents (see the top sidebar)
Potion/Scroll/Staff Charge/Wand Charge reagent cost   ● 50/30/40/24 copper pieces   ●● 150/120/120/96 copper pieces   ●●● 9 50/40/40/32 silver pieces   ●●●● 11 100/80/80/64 silver pieces   ●●●●● 13 200/160/160/128 silver pieces
Difficulty Modifiers   -1 Item takes longer than a single action to activate   -1 Divine caster is using magic that is favored sphere   -1 Arcane caster is using magic that is part of specialization   -1 Character has 3 dots of related ability -2 Character has 4 dots of related ability -3 Character has 5 dots of related ability   -1 Character has 4 dots of partially related ability (*) -2 Character has 5 dots of partially related ability (*).   +1 slightly improvised work area or laboratory   +1 Item is a duration item, such as a candle   +1 Item incorporates cold iron   +2 extremely improvised work area or laboratory   +2 Rush job, taking half the usual work time per roll Related Abilities (*Partially Related Ability)   Potion/Oil/Powder/Candle: Alchemy, Hearth Wisdom   Scrolls: Spell craft, Alchemy*, Expression*, Hearth Wisdom*   Arrows/Bows: Craft Bowyer/Fletcher, Alchemy*, Archery*   Wands/Staves: Spell craft, Alchemy*, Hearth Wisdom*   Metal Weapon: Alchemy, Craft (metal working), Melee*   Wooden Weapon: Craft (woodworking), Hearth Wisdom, Alchemy*, Melee* Amulet or Ring: Alchemy, Craft (jeweler)   Clothing: Craft (tailor), Alchemy*, Hearth Wisdom*       Divine casters treat all abilities tied with their magic as related magic. Healing takes Charisma + Medicine to cast so Medicine counts as a related ability for making Healing potions. Animal takes Charisma + Animal Ken to cast so Animal Ken as a related ability for making Animal potions.       Arcane casters have somewhat more complicated related abilities.   Illusion Invisibility: Stealth*   Blur, Mirror Image: Dodge*   Any Phantasm: Expression*   Any disguise: Subterfuge*     Abjuration   Area defense: Alertness*   Personal defense: Dodge*   General anti-magic: Spellcraft   Planar Dismissal: Arcana*, Theology*   Explosive Ruins: Invocation casting attribute   Anti-Divination: Divination casting attribute   Anti-Illusions: Illusion casting attribute   Anti-Transmutation: Transmutation casting attribute   Anti-Enchantment: Enchantment casting attribute     Divination   Detect Magic and Identify: Spellcraft, Use Magic Device*   Detect Poison: Hearth Wisdom, Medicine   Detect Traps: Disable Device, Alertness*   Mind Reading: Empathy   Location Spells: Survival*, Sailing*   Long range divination: Alertness   Enchantment   Fear Inducers: Intimidation   Hexes: Intimidation*, Medicine*, Subterfuge*   Mass Target spells: Leadership*   Charm Spells: Subterfuge*, Empathy*   Command/Dominate Spells: Intimidation* Leadership*   Conjuration   Summoning Fighters or Assistant: Leadership   Summoning Steeds: Ride, Animal Ken*   Summon Swarm: Animal Ken   Summon weather: Survival*, Hearth Wisdom*   Elements Base: Arcana   Summon weapons, tools, or armor: Crafts   Travel Spells: Sailing*, Survival*     Necromancy   Fear or Pain: Intimidation   Physical Hex: Medicine, Intimidation*   Create or Command Undead: Leadership   Harm Undead: Medicine*, Theology*, Intimidation*     Invocation Ray Spells: Archery*, Athletics* Touch Attack Spells: Brawl* Spherical or Cone Attacks: Spell-craft*


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