Prerequisites to creating golems

Divine Spell Casters creating Golems   A divine spell caster with five dots of the Crafts domain can make any golem he chooses provided he has the time and materials to do so.       Arcane Spell Casters Creating Golems   Arcane spell casters have to learn a specific spell for each type of golem.   Creating straw and ragdoll golems, second circle spell   Creating wooden golems, second circle spell   Creating flesh golems, third circle spell   Creating clay golems, third circle spell   Creating stone golems , third circle spell   Creating metal golems, third circle spell.   There is some flexibility with school of magic. Arcane casters can create golems via Conjuration, Enchantment, or Transmutation. All three count as "golem schools." The caster only needs the prerequisite number of dots for one of these schools to learn golem creation spells.   If the caster has a dot in an additional "golem" school, he receives a one experience point discount. If the caster has enough dots in an additional golem school to be able to learn the spell via two different schools, he receives an additional experience point cost to a minimum of 1.   This is cumulative, so a caster with Conjuration ●●●, Enchantment ●●●, AND Transmutation ●●● can learn any golem creation spell for a single experience point.   The associated casting attribute is always Intelligence.     Time and Money   Golems take a lot of time and resources to construct. Raw materials come in the form of durable reagents, consumable reagents, exotic materials, and mundane materials crafted to exact specifications.   Once all the materials are gathered in one place, Golems require an extended casting roll to create. Manipulation + Crafts for divine casters, Intelligence + highest applicable casting attribute for arcane casters. Each roll takes an hour of work. Each golem requires one success per 50 silver pieces of it's cost.   At the storyteller's discretion, if there is ample downtime and the players worked hard to get all the resources, it might be a good idea to hand wave away the need for an extended roll.   Each type of golem has a base cost. Golems can also be upgraded in a variety of ways which increases the base cost. In some cases corners can be cut to reduce costs. See the sub articles for the details.

Articles under Prerequisites to creating golems

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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