Prince Mondarias

Prince Mondarius was the younger brother of Dwarf Kingdom of Meckelorn's historically most despised king, Cronnic the Brash.   Many dwarves wanted Mondarius to usurp his brother's throne but Mondarius' sense of honor forbid him from doing so. Nevertheless Cronnic his younger brother's popularity and is believed to have attempted to assassinate him.   Seeing the writing on the wall, Mondarius chose self-imposed exile and ended with thousands of other dwarves joining him. These dwarves wandered Scarterra for over ten years before establishing a new nation in a small island chain. After Mondarius' death, the nation was retroactively renamed the kingdom of Mondert in his honor.   Mondarius refused the title of king his whole life even when he acted the part of a king.  He and his son used the tile "prince" though his grandson was Mondert's first official king.  Later Mondarius and his son were posthumously declared "kings."

Cover image: Mondert Coat of Arms, simplified by me


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