Queen Gwendolyn calls for camazotz mercenaries
Gwendolyn ap Numaness Queen of Swynfaredia has been plotting an Invasion of Fumaya.
Swynfaredian dragonblood nobles are notoriously byzantine in teh best of times, and now is not the bes tof time. Queen Gwendolyn has eyes on invading Fumaya to give her feuding vassals an external enemy to focus on. Swynfaredia is nearing the 900 anniversary of the signing of their royal charter and Queen Gwendolyn wants to cement her legacy as the queen who ushered a great expansion at this auspicious time.
Unfortunately for the queen, Swynfaredia telegraphed what they were doing well in advanced allowing Fumaya's king, Henryk III Linijka to make various preparations. One of them was to hire kalazotz to run messages.
There are many magical means of relaying secret messages but all of them have some sort of magical counter and the Kingdom of Swynfaredia is very good at magical espionage and counter espionage, but kalazotz are not magical. They fly with their wings and they can see in the dark with sonar. Flying at night, they are basically invisible without needing to cast an invisibility spell (which has a magical resonsance). King Henryk basically found a way to send messagers long distance that couldn't be intercepted, or so he thought.

Commissioned kalazotz flying, grey background by Diana Rahfoth

Commissioned camazotzflying, grey background by Diana Rahfoth
Most camazotz don't have a fixed address and live primitively in remote areas but the Uskalan camazotz are theoretically civilized being citizens of the Kingdom of Uskala. Queen Gwendolyn wanted to sidestep dealing with King Drosst of Uskala, so rather than writing him, she secretly sent a letter straight to the ajawnok, Drosst's main camazotz vassal and the nominal leader of Uskala's camazotz in order to make an offer directly to them for mercenaries.
Kormatin got a letter too
Kormatin managed to set up his half-brother Howell par Gruffyl as a spy who sent Kormatin a letter warning him that camazotz had arrived from Uskala to Swynfaredia. Kormatin reported this to his king, who immediately ordered Kormatin to lead a team behind enemy lines to assassinate the camazotz mercenaries before they can dirty Fumaya's skies with their presence.
Signatories (Organizations)