Rallark the Loyalist

Ralark was the first warrior to be undergo transformation from the Blood Stone . A human fighter of legendary skill and bravery, believed to be a non-inheriting son of an early king or chieftain of a now forgotten land. After Malthias' death, Rallark dedicated himself to seeking vengeance on Malthian’s behalf. He personally struck down two ancient elven liches but remains convinced his master’s betrayer is still at large.   After fruitless searching for evil liches and his treacherous vampire siblings, Ralark decided to move on to enforcing Malthias' edicts. He spent centuries hunting down demons whenever he could find them. When he couldn’t find demons, he targeted lesser vampires (since their creation was never authorized by Malthias). On rare occasions, he has intervened against other creatures that Ralark deems evil.   When he has a choice of prey, he prefers to feed on the most morally reprehensible prey he can find, or the very old who are likely to die soon anyway. All else equal, he also prefers to feed on non-humans and non-demihumans. He is ever a pragmatist and believes that his life is valuable enough that he can rationalize drinking anyone’s blood when he has need. Ralark moves from place to place impersonating an ordinary human fighter, moving on whenever new threats call him elsewhere or he can no longer keep feeding habits unnoticed. He is seen less and less over the last few centuries leading some to say that he is waiting in hibernation or someone finally killed him (or he finally killed himself).

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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