Rank and Title Among the Masks

The priesthood of Phidas is a hotbed of Byzantine politics. The Masks try to outmaneuver their equals, bully or manipulate their inferiors, and flatter or overthrow their superiors.   Initiate: Trainee member.   Argentum: Full member   Platinum: Respected member, eligible to be in charge of a small temple or local organization.   Bishop : Important leader, eligible to be in charge of a large temple or critically important organization.   Archbishop : The head of one of the Phidas four Orders within a large geographic area.   Pontiff: The highest rank. There are three pontifs, each with jurisdiction over about a third of all of Phidas’ temples in the world. Vacancies are filled by Phidas himself, usually speaking through an Oracle or messenger spirit   Platinum Bishop (with some cool kind of Elven translation): The highest ranking priest of Phidas in the Elven Empire.
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Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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