Rowraek jelly packs

Rowraek jelly packs are pouches typically worn under clothing designed to dramatically explode in fake blood when lightly punctured.   It is not realistic enough to let someone seriously fake a real wound, but they are dramatic, cheap to manufacture, and relatively easy to clean making them perfect for use in the more literal Jelly Spear Plays.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The actual fake blood is a type of nonedible but nonpoisonous red jelly invented by the Rowraek the satyr alchemist. The explosive part was introduced by other alchemists later experimenting with compressed air.


Jelly Spears have existed since the dawn of the Feudal Era at least and this precipiated a need for crowd pleasing blood.   Of course some Jelly Spear plays use real blood paired with magical healing or simple first aid later, but not every Jelly Spear play had reliable enough access to good healers to use real blood in this fashion. This has resulted in a wide variety of fake blood being utilized over the centuries.   Rowraek jelly packs were named for their creator Rowraek the satyr alchemist.


Jelly Spear Plays rely on over the top fake violence, and this delivers a good spray of fake blood for a copper piece or two.
Item type
Related Technologies
common, at least among Jelly Spear troupes.

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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