Scaraquan Metalworking and equivalent industries

Scaraqua has a system of civilizations and people roughly as complex as Scarterra, but whereas fire is in many ways the impetus of civilization on land, controlled fire is not so simple under the sea.   Conventional metal forges do not work in Scaraqua because fire cannot exist in water normally.  Even if Scaraquans could locate a source of geothermal power capable of melting metal the water around the geothermal event would boil them alive.   But Scaraquans have a developed a number of alternatives listed from most common to least common.  

Substitute Materials

  Many more primitive or destitute undersea people rely on weapons and tools made of bone and coral.   A lot of Scaraquans quarry virdilut and make weapons and tools out of that.    

Temporary Forges on the Surface World

  Some Scaraquans can survive a few hours or even days on outside the water unassisted by magic.  Magic to allow Scaraquans to temporarily breathe air is relatively easy to come by.   Sometimes Scaraquan metalsmiths set up temporary forges on tiny remote islands or desolate coastlines an forge metal on dry land.    

Acquiring Scarterran Metal Goods

  Scaraquans can try to barter with Scarterrans (or sink their ships and take the metal goods)   It is relatively simple for even a novice alchemist to treat metal so as to not rust quickly under the sea.  This roughly doubles the cost of the item.  These are often the most sought after metal items under the sea.    

Magical Assists

  Some Scaraquans use protective magic to immunize themselves against extreme heat and work metal near sites of geothermal heat that can melt (the heat itself may or may not be magic induced as well).   Less commonly, but still rare, Scaraquans can make a magical pocket of air to work a conventional Scarterran style forge underwater.

Cover image: by Popular widespread meme


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