Scaraquan views on time

Scarterrans bicker amongst each other on how to set their calendar year and how meaningful the Zodiac influences are, but is generally not that difficult to figure out what date something happened, if it happened in the last millennia.   The common West Colassian calendar has the present year as 1837.  It is currently year 2426 according Elven Empire's calendar and year 897 on the kingdom of Swynfaredia's calendar.   (just to avoid confusion, if I put a date on this World Anvil wiki, I am using the common West Colassian Calendar unless specifying otherwise).   While irksome, it is not very difficult for two scholars uses different Scarterran calendars to compare notes and plot when events happen relative to each other and be reasonably certain they know the exact date.     Scaraquans are a different.  Most are very focused on the here and now, and find it a waste of time to quantify time.  If you ask a casual storyteller or serious historian in Scaraqua they will preface most past events with the phrase "Some time ago..."   If they feel the need to be more specific than that, the Scaraquan will say "Some time ago, after famous event A and before famous event B...."   While Scaraquans acknowledge the First Unmaking and the Second Unmaking happened "some time ago." They don't buy into the Scarterrans categorization of the The First Age, The Second Age, and The Third Age as being valid or true.  They don't even like the names because the two Unmaking were not directly connected so why are the "First" and "Second" of anything given that they are both independent (and horrific) events.   The ocean is always in movement but it always stays in place at the same time.  This is how Scaraquan philosophers view the flow of time.  Uneducated Scaraquan give time even less thought.  They are too busy worrying about the task at hand.  If they need to let the pearls grow in the clam shells for 1012 days exactly to be fit as Imperial pearls, someone is going to be counting out exactly 1012 days, likewise, crops are always planted and harvested on time.  But very few people under the sea care if the Oshamni Empire is 700 years old or 7000 years old.   Only within the last five hundred years have Scaraquans have made any serious organized attempt to record the passage of time in a numerical fashion at all within the Oshamni Empire and mainly the people keeping the records are the tax collectors and census takers.  Aka, the "bubble counters".  Why count the bubbles if they are just going to pop before you are done counting?       Physical and cultural barriers to communication between Scarterra and Scaraqua aside; it is not easy for the scholarly minded above and below the surface of the water to compare notes on historical events. Scarterrans find the Scaraquans to sloppy and careless record keepers.  Scaraquans view the Scarterrans "bubble counting," ironically as a waste of time. What is more important than measuring things quantifiably is understanding the cause and effect relationship between events.

Cover image: Windows10 screensaver art by Windows10 screensaver art


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