Scarterran Calendar, days and months
The Scarterran year is 365 days. Most Scarterrans use either the zodiac calendar or the harvest calendar, and a few use both. Both use the same New Year date.
The zodiac Calendar has nine months of forty days each each based on the Scarterran Zodiac plus a five day pseudo-month ironically dedicated to Turoch.
Month of Maylar
Month of Mera
Month of Korus
Month of Nami
Month of Greymoria
Month of Khemra
Month of Zarthus
Month of Hallisan
Month Phidas
"Month" of Turoch, these five days are said to mark the anniversary of the the Divine Rebellion.
Harvest Calendar
The harvest calendar has twelve months of thirty days each and one psuedo-month of 5 days known as "the Nike" or "victory" commemorating the Divine Rebellion.
Month of Afternike
Month after the nike. Akin to January.
Month of Horning
Referring to the antlers shed by the deer around this period in the year.
Month of Stirring
The stirring of life in the transition of winter to spring.
Spring Stellar Day (1st of Verdance)
Month of Verdance
Start of spring in earnest
Month of Afterverdance
Month after Verdance
Month of Thrimilch
Month of three milkings (the pastures are quite good, so the cows give more milk).
Summer Stellar Day (1st of Embers)
Month of Embers
It's starting to get warmer
Month of Midsummer
Self explanatory
Month of Hayweed
Combination of hay and weed in the more general sense of plant. This month is when most of the stores of hay are made for the coming winter.
The Autumn Stellar Day (1st of Harvesting)
Month of Harvesting
Self evident.
Month of Blooding
The month of slaughter. This is the period in the year where the livestock is thinned to avoid unnecessary food expenses during the winter season while at the same time provisioning food for that same winter season.
Month of Forenike
The month before the Nike.
"Month of the Nike"
these five days are said to mark the anniversary of the the Divine Rebellion and includes the Winter Stellar Day.
Zodiac Calendar
Silver Nine symbol #1 by Me adapting work from Pendrake via Nightcafe
bright lone star (creative commons) by Sven Scheuermeier
bright lone star (creative commons) by Sven Scheuermeier
bright lone star (creative commons) by Sven Scheuermeier
bright lone star (creative commons) by Sven Scheuermeier