Scarterran mortals
Mortals is a catchall term for Scarterrans with a complete soul.
Mortals are fully sentient and sapient with free will. Beasts are sentient but they are not sapient. Fair Folk are fullysapient with free will, but they are not truly mortal, they lack eternal souls and they reincarnate into Remnants when they die rather than pass on to the afterlife.
Speaking of the afterlife, Any living creature can become undead under the right (or wrong) circumstances, but only only mortals can become part of the honored dead or the restless dead (aka ghosts).
Mortals can become theurgists. They can either be born as favored souls or become anointed. Spirits can wield theurgy too but that is because they are born of the essence of the Nine.
Mortal theurgists grow in their divine abilities gradually and organically whereas spirits with theurgy essentially have their theurgist abilities transpanted into them.
Geographic Distribution