Session 34, mini-interludes

General Summary

Kormatin and Bendek went on a brief sojourn to the Border Baronies while Brigid worked on a magic sword and Ragani decompressed from her babysitting adventure with some light reading.   Kormatin and Bendek took a squire, Leonid, the young Keeper Donal, a Day Keeper Albas in tow.   The party made good will visits and compared notes with allies in Iron Hills Barony, Merchant Principality of Centrum, Barony of Bees, Barony of Crystal Fields, and Principality of Red Streams.   He bought some haber crystals, iron, honey, and perfume and got attacked by a chimera on the way back, beating it pretty easily but Donal sort of embarassed himself and felt down about it.   He later said he should have focused on using his Augmentation on Kormatin and Bendek rather than trying to be the hero himself.

Rewards Granted

4 exp for Kormatin and Bendek, 1 for Ragani and Brigid
Report Date
23 Nov 2024

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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