Sir Edwald

Sir Edwald is an example of a man who grew old in a position where many die young. He is the eldest knight in the Duchy of Palbuc and is formally the Marshal of Palbuc and has recently been appointed the Duke's regent.   Edwald is an old soldier at heart, and social graces are not his forte, but he has become something of a statesmen in his old age by necessity.   After the treachery of Lord Stanislaw Palbuc was finally revealed, Sir Edwald gained a lot of status for being the only courtier who can truly say "I never really trusted him."   Sir Edwald did not actually suspect Stanislaw murdered his brother, the previous duke, but he did believe that Stanislaw was selfish and untrustworthy and a poor choice for Master of Coin and Duke's Regent. He was the only courtier in Palbuc that frequently pushed back at Stanislaw's suggestions. Sometimes to the detriment of Edwald's credibility.   While Stanislaw did deliberately give his nephew Duke Vern Palbuc bad advice many times he usually wrapped his falsehoods inside truths and sage advice. This gave Stanislaw a lot of ammunition to discredit Sir Edwald. Stanislaw could say "Remember the time you opposed insert policy here ad it turned out to be very good for the realm!" ad disarm any legitmate criticism of what he was doing.   Ironically, Stanislaw probably benefited from having Sir Edwald disagree with him on everything. Having loyal opposition on hand made it seem more legitimate when he pushed his proposals on the rest of the mostly syncophantic courtiers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Edwald is approaching 60, but he is still quite spry for his age though not as hardy as he was in prime. It helps that he engages in exercise and training religiously.

Body Features

Tall and broad shoulders, he strikes an intimidating visage even at his age.

Facial Features

Edwald has handsome stately features but also conveys a great deal of quiet menace when he choose. Few can hold eye contact with him when Edwald is angry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Edwald was a son of one of the lesser noble houses. Either a Baron's nephew or a Baron's third son.   With no chance to inherit any land (and not being particularly interested in being a lord of a castle anyway), Edwald took up a knight's training and did very well both in tournaments and in actual battle. He also was pretty good at forestry skills which is highly useful for anyone in Fumaya's heavily forested toe.   Fumaya was not in a state of war, but Scarterra has enough random monsters and other fantasy threats to keep a knight moderately busy in peace time. Edwald also spent a few years on the Dragons' Path. During this time, he was gifted a magical warhammer for saving a wealthy Stahlheimer dwarf's life which he proudly carries with him everywhere decades later.   As he got older, he became a drill instructor teaching Palbuc's younger generations of warriors in the art of melee combat and horse riding.   By virtue of his age and experience, he became an influential member of Fumaya's court.
    Willpower 8 Dexterity 3, Strength 3, Stamina 2, Appearance 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 2, Perception 3, Wits 4     Simple Abilities: Alertness 3, Animal Ken 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Empathy 3 (+1 character), Etiquette 2 (+1 Fumayan courts), Expression 1, Intimidation 4 (+1 stare downs), Investigation 1 (+1 searches), Leadership 3 (+1 soldiers), Legerdemain 0, Stealth 2 (+1 forests), Subterfuge 1     Trained Abilities: Archery 1, Commerce 1, Crafts 0, Enigmas 0, Hearth Wisdom 2 (+1 forests), History 1 (+1 Fumayan), Medicine 3 (+1 first aid), Melee 5 (+1 lances, +1 warhammer), Performance (strings) 2, Politics 2 (+1 Fumaya), Ride 5, Sailing 0, Seneschal 3 (+1 military), Survival 3 (+1 forests), Theology 2     Rare Abilities: Use Magic Device 1       Merits: Noble, Knight, Agent of the Crown, Shield Proficiency, Blind Fighting, Opportunistic Brawler
Year of Birth
1781 CE 57 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hallisan's Zodiac Year

Cover image: Palbuc Heraldry by


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