Somnios Karakhai

The Somnios Karakhai are loosely based on real world Greenland sharks.   The Somnios Karakhai are the only frequently seen Scaraquan people in the frigid monster infested region known as the Dark Sea.   Relatively to other Karakhai, the Somnios are very omnivorous perfectly capable of living off of vegetation and able to digest prey that would be poisonous to other shark men. They commonly subsist on fish and aquatic mammals.   The Somnios are well adapted to the cold waters of their home and actually find warmer waters somewhat uncomfortable (although they can survive in tropical waters just fine).   A more interesting adaptation is that Somnios flesh is toxic when consumed and Somnios have a unique odor that broadcasts this so the undersea creatures large and strong enough to take down Karakhai do not want to eat them. If threatened or provoked, sea monsters will kill Somnios, but they won't try to eat their flesh.     Even by Karakhai standards, Somnios are tough and hardy but rather primitive. Most of their weapons and tools are crafted from whale ivory.   Relative to other Karakhai, Somnios are deeply spiritual. They have over twice the Samearu per capita compared to most Karakhai elsewhere. This is very useful because the waters of the Dark Sea often have Void Demons and undead swimming in them.
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Cover image: by NOAA Okeanis Explorer


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