tengku naming conventions

tengku have a childhood name given to them by their parents shortly after hatching. Typically these names are virtually unpronounceable to human tongues and sound like squawking crows or ravens to human or demihuman ears.   This name is generally only used in very private settings. Usually a tengku chick is addressed as "lad/lassie", "Son/Daughter" (regardless of whether the tengku addressing them is related) "Boy/Girl" "Young One", "You There!", or "Egg" (the latter is a term of endearment for close family only."       Upon reaching adulthood, a tengku will choose a new name.   Most tengku names are two syllable names with strong vowel sounds.   It is tradition for a tengku to choose one vowel sound from their father and one from their mother. If a tengku does not do this, he or she is often but not always signaling "I have issues with my parents."   This is pretty common as tengku are notorious for favoring "tough love" parenting styles, so this results in a lot of young adults swearing off their parents (they may or may not reconcile later, but the rebellious name stays post-reconciliation).


Mainstream Example

  Noggra the tengku soldier (NOH-GRAH) ruffled some feathers when he opted to join the army rather than take up a more traditional tengku profession. His aunts and uncles pushed back at his military ambitions but his mother Tokit (TOH-KIT) and father, Laeck (La-Ek) supported his decision.   Noggra proudly took the "OH" from his mother's name and the "AH" from his father's name.  

Partially Subverted Example

  Neffrey (Nef-free) had a major falling out with his father, Ralsop (Rahl-Sop). Ralsop never forgave his son for flunking out of the Uskalan Magic School and wasting his admission fee, but Neffrey didn't want to go in the first place.   Neffrey never had a falling out with his mother, Borref (Bore-Ref) not that they were super close, but he still sends her periodic letters since leaving home. Neffrey took the "EH" sound from his mother's name but nothing from his father's name.

Cover image: Square of Tengku Headshots by Zeta Gardener


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