The Corruptor

The Corrupter: Few mortals were insane enough to join minions of the the Void, but most of the demon collaborators ended up following the Corrupter. The Corrupter also recruited most if not all of the world’s metamorphs to its side.   Metamorphs ability to change their form could not fool the demons, and they sided with the demons in return for clemency. Metamorph infiltrators brought a lot of fortified holdings low, until one day a metamorph betrayed the Void demons and led a small party of legendary elves towards the Corrupter itself managing to surprise and slay the monstrity with a surprisingly small force.   In retaliation, the Corruptor's army then attacked every metamorph they could find and then dispersed to join other Demon Lords. Thus the Corrupter was the only Demon Lord to die outside of a large scale battle. It wasn’t pieced together until much later, but the Corrupter experimented with metamorph and elven test subjects to create the first lycanthropes. Thus the Corrupter left the strongest permanent legacy of any of the Demon Lords.   If the Demon Lords were the type to crunch ledgers, the Corruptor might have looked liked the least effective of all the Demon Lords. Despite its cadre of inferanlist spies, the Corruptor probably was directly responsible for fewest mortal deaths than any other Demon Lord.  

The First Indirect Effect of the Corruptor's Schemes

  It is noteable that in the early stages of the Second Unmaking that the Demon Lords and their minions seemed ignorant of Silverwood trees, the basics of agriculture and animal husbandry, the value of horses and dogs, the value of sailing ships and other basic aspects of mortal civilization. Void demons don't eat sleep, breath, or suffer from extreme heat or cold. All the basic aspects of mortal day-to-day life are alien concepts to them.   They also didn't seem to initially understand very basic military concepts as Void demons had difficulty telling combatants apart from noncombatants and didn't seem to attack the infrastructure that the mortals used to manufacture weapons and armor until late in the Second Unmaking.   While the Infernalists direct contributions to the Void Demon's extermination efforts were small, the knowledge they shared with their demon overlords gradually helped them switch from direct attacks to adopting total war tactics attacking not just the mortals themselves but the resources and infrastruture they needed to live.   Whether it was the Corruptor's intention or not, the active recruitment spread the basic lore of mortal life to all the Demon Lord's armies, not just its own. This was the unsung villainy of the ancient Infernalists.  

The Second Indirect Effect of the Corruptor's Schemes

  There are many stories of Infernalist moles and spies ratting out hiding locations to demons or unlocking the gate during a siege.   More often than not, mortals who collaberated with the Void were killed before they could enact grand espionage of this level, but the stories of these betrayals spread.   As rare as they are, the very existance of any Inferanlists meant that mortals were now prone to be very suspicious of strangers and this made it that much harder for disparate groups of mortals to band together for protection in the wake of this somewhat justified xenophobia.


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