The Extinguisher

The Extinguisher was one of the most indirect Void Demon Lords. Rather than trying to kill mortals directly, the Extinguisher attempted to blot out the sun to kill all plants on Scarterra and wipe out mortalkind via starvation.   The Extinguisher sent its armies to capture sites of latent magic power. After years of preparation the Extinguisher directed it’s minions in a massive magical and psionic undertaking and managed to summon shadowy clouds to block out the sun and moon over a Penarchia (there was a lesser dimming effect over the rest of the world).   This black out would have extended to the entire world if mortals had not figured out where It was drawing the power for the effect and attacked the Extinguisher’s casters to kill the artificial eclipse. The Extinguisher put enough personal power into the effect that this weakened him enough to let himself be destroyed by the same mortal army shortly thereafter.   The Extinguisher consumed relatively few souls, but caused a greater death toll than most of its peers by creating famines by starving massive amounts of plants of sunlight devestating Penarchia and the surrounding seas and harming plant life slightly the world over, both in Scarterra and Scaraqua.   The Extinguisher probably did more harm than good to the demonic cause by uniting the disparate opposition which stayed together against the other demons. Apart from The Harbinger, the Extinguisher probably had the shortest reign of terror of any of the Demon Lords.   Many believe the Extinguisher was the nemesis of Khemra because it tried to blot out the sun. Many believe it was the nemesis of Korus because it tried to wipe out plant life. Certainly the Stewards were instrumental in forming the alliance which eventually slew the Extinguisher.   Some scholars have argued that the Extinguisher hurt the cause of The Void more than it helped. Most of the leaders who organized the Extinguisher's destruction survived the battle and they helped organized resistance to the other Demon Lords around all of Scarterra.


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