the Ravager

The Ravager was the Demon Lord’s Demon Lord. By the time the Ravager arrived, more or less the entire mortal world had put aside to differences to unite against the demon threat, those that survived at least.   Like The Harbinger before it, the Ravager sought out the largest population concentrations it could find, but as one of the latter Demon Lords to arrive these population centers were not especially large.   The Ravager's army was highly mobile attacking every land and sea in Scarterra and Scaraquan respectively seeking out in mortal enclaves in a game of cat and mouse. Given that most of the surviving mortals at this time were battle hardened veterans well acostomed to fighting demons, it was never completely clear who was the cat and who was the mouse.   More often that not, demons are more mobile than most mortals. Demons fly and they don't have to sleep or eat. If the Ravager encountered unusually heavy resistance, it often withdrew to seek a softer target. This is why the Ravager's movements were so far ranging.   After the seven other Demon Lords were finally slain, most of the demon hordes were now flailing about in small unaffiliated bands and were being picked off one-by-one by organized mortal heroes. Worse still, some of the lands were so clear of demons that some mortals began reclaiming fallow abandoned farms.   The Ravager tried to disrupt these efforts to reclaim farms but ultimately decided that in order to break the back of organized restistance, it would need to destroy the Island of Lunatus where arguably the last true bastion of Second Age civilization remained.   It was the Lunatans that were able to claim the credit for slaying the last Demon Lord though the damage to their lands was considerable which stopped them from immediately dominating Scarterra during the dawn of the the Third Age.


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