The Vandal

The Vandal’s army claimed relatively few souls, but the Vandal was among the last Demon Lord to fall. While other demons sought out the most populous lands to ravage, the Vandal focused on already defeated lands to harry the survivors and refugees.   It should be noted that when the Second Unmaking was well underway a lot of refugees sought shelter in ruined cities and farms assuming the larger Void armies would not return to areas they already destroyed only to be shocked to see the Vandal's forces moving in.   The Vandal ordered it’s minions to destroy ever artifact of civilization and level every building they could find. This predictable behavior allowed a small number of dragons and other relatively mobile fighters to pick off the Vandal’s minions with hit-and-run tactics.   When the Vandal was finally taken down by a combined army of battle-hardened survivors, it was among the smallest and least epic last stands of any demon lord because by that point the Vandal's army was severely depleted from a countless skirmishes.   The Vandal’s lasting legacy is what is missing. The areas the Vandal roamed have far fewer artifacts of the First Age and the Second Age intact.   While a lot of common folk view the Vandal as one of the least frightening Demon Lord stories, many of the literate classes despair of how much more advanced art, alchemy, magic, and all other fields of culture and science would be in the Third Age were it not for the Vandal's destructive legacy.   Among contemporary scholarly circles "By the Vandal!" is a common curse phrase for any serious set back of any kind.


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