Thinking Medieval: Slings and why they fell out of favor
This is part of my "Thinking Medieval" series
Slings were effective weapons in warfare for over a millenium of Earth history. The most famous slingers in history were the Balearic Slingers and they were commonly sought as mercenaries for centuries.
Slings have similar range and damage output to crossbows and with a similar if not better rate of fire. Also slings are much cheaper to manufacture and ammunition is practically free.
So why did slings fall out of favor?
Let's look back to what made the Balaeric Slingers so special. Throughout the history of warfare, successful nations copied the best weapons and tactics of their allies and enemies, but neither the Carthagians nor the Romans nor anyone else every made their own home grown version of the Balaeric Slingers.
Children on the Baeleric Islands were pushed to practice with slings extensively from a very young age and continued vigorous through adulthood which is why the Balaerics were experts at using slings, and the slingers that left the islands were the best of the best.
This is why crossbows won out, the learning curve. It takes time and practice to a master a crossbow, but it takes it takes less time than it takes to learn how to use a sling with accuracy and consistency.
How does this apply to Scarterra?
Slings would be something elves and humans used when their races were young but it would have fallen out of favor as long bows and crossbows became widely available. Even the remaining nomadic human and elf tribes probably would not use slings much. But sling use would not disappear entirely. It's a good for a warrior or hunter on a tight budget. It also would be something accessible in a kingdom with strict laws on who can or cannot own a weapon. Many goblin and kobold tribes would have many skilled slingers, as well as a few other savage humanoids. Igundans are a fairly "young" race but they are certainly smart enough to pick up sling use from watching kobolds and goblins. Scarterra's various "savage" or "monstrous" mortals certainly have to do a lot of hunting and hit-and-run combat and slings would help them. They certainly have the time and opportunity to push their young to train in slings like the Baelerics of Earth did.Staff Slings
Slings as battlefield weapons mostly disappeared in medieval times but they evolved into a sort of siege weapon known as staff slings. Staff slings don't have the speed or accuracy of conventional slings but they allow the wielder to lob much larger rocks with very trajectory arcs. They were sometimes used during medieval era sieges and there is no reason they wouldn't sometimes be seen in Scarterran sieges.Manufacturing
A sling is basically a length of rope with a woven sock or knotted basket to hold a rock or lead bullet.
It is easy enough to find a smooth rock in a stream or riverbed to make a good sling stone. Sling stones can be shaped out of clay or lead. Lead sling bullets are best. They are not difficult to make and lead is often an unwelcome byproduct of metallurgy to obtain more valuable metals.
Some lead slingstones were created with a small hole that could create a small hole that would increase concussive force on impact and creating a whistling sound which can have a psychological on enemies.
Lead projectiles sent at enemies at deadly velocity...millenia before the invention of firearms.
Attercop! Attercop!
J.R.R. Tolkien, the GOAT of fantasy, wrote that hobbits often throw rocks as a sport and are very good at it. Bilbo especially was good at at it, just ask the spiders...oh wait you can't cause they're dead! D&D is based heavily on Tolkien and many versions of D&D gave "Halflings" bonuses with thrown rocks or slings. To my knowledge, Tolkien never wrote about hobbits with slings but it makes sense in that slings do not require a lot of raw strength since they build up velocity by inertia from spinning the sling around. Some D&D supplements give halflings very large bonuses in using slings. In any event, Scarterra and Scarterrad10 are inspired by D&D and Tolkien though Scarterra does not have halflings or hobbits though in some ways Scarterran gnomes are hobbit-like in some ways but I don't see why they would be especially fond of throwing rocks with or without a sling. I believe, crossbows would be the logical most popular weapon for Scarterran gnomes.
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There are high quality slings and low quality slings but all they really take is a length of knotted rope and some rocks.
Most Scarterrans with survival training probably eventually learn how to make an improvised sling whether or not they practice extensively with it.
Out of all the surviving humanoid races, kobolds are the oldest and they have always lived on the fringes of Scarterra so they would have developed slings before anyone else. Perhaps there was an ancient kobold named Balaeric...
Whether the younger races picked up slings from the kobolds or whether they indepedently developed their own slings remains anyone's guess.