Timeline of Events in East Colassia

-4000 (approximate) this is when the Mereshnari claim their ancestors became the first humans to live on East Colassia . The Mereshnari have a lot of apocryphal tall tales about how their ancestors tamed the land at this time. Essentially according to the Mereshnari the human race itself is approximately 6000 years old. Most East Colassian humans don’t argue this point though the dark elves claim humanity is much younger than this.   -3832 Nation of Kahdisteria official founding and what they set their calendars as Year 1. The other elf nations claim the dark elves are exaggerating the age of their nation and backdated their founding by at least a millennia.   -1000 (approximate) The ancient human kingdom of the Fakhari  supposedly collapsed during this time.  The Fakhari were supposedly the most magically and/or scientifically advanced humans Scarterra has ever seen.  Many people believe the Fakhari are a myth because most of what is known from them is by Mereshnari oral tradition and most of the stories about the ancient Fakhari sound a lot like morality plays.   500-1000 (approximate) Most of the southern human nations of East Colassia established themselves during this period.   1253 (Year of Mera coincidentally) Three of the coastal nations in East Colassia formalize a mutual defense treaty planting the seeds for the modern Colassian Confederacy.   1513 Marginalland (Year of Maylar ironically) becomes the last nation to join the Colassian Confederacy.   1613 (Year of Mera coincidentally) Kahdisteria signs the Treaty of Delas which frees all gnome slaves in captivity and bans the enslavement of gnomes for all time. The Colassian Confederacy is furious that the gnomes have signed a separate treaty with the dark elves and left the fight before Kahdisteria’s human slaves are freed.   1642 (Year of Nami I think), The Ice Biter Tribe of orcs emigrates into East Colassia harsh northwest wilderness, quietly establishing themselves virtually unnoticed by the civilized powers of the continent.   1699 (Year of Zarthus coincidentally), the Colassian Confederacy signs an armistice with Kahdisteria. It’s an armistice not a peace treaty, and while large scale military actions have ceased, small scale conflicts between confederates and dark elves continue to this day.   1700-present (approximate): The dark elves of Kahdisteria and the grey elves of the Elven Empire make a renewed push to establish colonies and trading partners in the southern hemisphere. Kahdisteria and the Elven Empire are essentially pulled into a cold war which continues to this day.   1785 (Year of Korus not that it matters):, Kingdom of Uskala builds a military style fortress and a magically empowered lighthouse off of East Colassia’s northwest coast. There is a small military garrison but no colonists.   1827 (Year of Phidas coincidentally): the Raykar declares a new era of openness between Kahdisteria and the rest of the world, establishing Kahdisteria’s busiest port, the so-called City of Light , as an open port for all interested traders.

Articles under Timeline of Events in East Colassia


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