Tlalli kalazotz clan

The Talli clan is a prestigious kalazotz that has made a name for themselves riding the political coattails of the powerful dwarves of the Greystone Clan whom they have formally allied with for generations.   The clan is known for their weaving talent and are responsible for making a lot of the clothes and tapestries of the Greystones and other dwarves.   Their generations of friendship is being rocked by challenged like it never has in a long time.  The Greystones are moving in a pro-Phidas, pro-mercantile direction.  Some of the younger kalazotz are following suit moving from focusing on utilitarian weavings to making luxury weavings they can sell .  Some of the kalazotz elders are opposed to this and believe crass greed will bring down the Talli and Greystones alike.
Neighboring Nations

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