
Unlike shadowing , a character attempting to track someone is following them solely by the evidence of their past passage. The normal roll is Perception + Survival, difficulty is usually 6 but environmental factors can adjust this up or down. Tracking someone over freshly fallen snow is fairly easy and tracking someone over hard ground is fairly hard. Intermittent conditions such as rain can obscure tracks as well.   If the character is tracking an animal or a magical beast of animal-like inteligence, the character can roll Perception + Animal Ken if that trait is higher.  If the character's Animal Ken and Survival are equal, the character gets a bonus die when tracking animals and animal-like magical beasts.   One success allows a character to determine that a target passed through an area. Three successes lets the tracker accurately guess how many people were in the group and how long ago they pass through. Five successes allows a tracker to judge the subjects weight and speed. They could also notice if the target is injured or carrying a heavy loaded by looking at irregularities and the depth of the tracks.   A botch either indicates the tracker is following a false trail or they failed to find the subject and clumsily accidentally destroyed evidence of the subject’s trail thwarting future attempts to track.   A character can try covering up his trail by rolling Wits + Survival, difficulty 6. Each success rolled raises the difficulty of would-be trackers by +1.

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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