two weapon fighting

Most Scarterran warriors normally fight with a one-handed weapon in their master hand and a shield in their off hand. Some Scarterran warriors prefer to fight with a two-handed weapon for greater reach and power at the cost of defense.   It is uncommon, but hardly unheard of for Scarterrans to fight with a one-handed weapon in their master hand and a light weapon in their off hand, or less commonly, a light weapon in both hands.   It is physically possible for a character to fight with a non-light one handed weapon in both hands, but characters doing this receive no unique in-game bonuses (even if they are ambidextrous), other than having a spare weapon if one is disarmed.   A character that buys a Melee specialization in “two-weapon fighting” receives a +1 bonus die on all combat maneuvers when fighting with a weapon in both hands.   Any character who has Melee ●● and fights with a standard one-handed sword, club, or any light weapon in his master hand and wielding a light weapon in his off hand, he gets +1 bonus die on all parry maneuvers, assuming the character is fighting one or more humanoid opponents and nobody is flying. If the character also has a specialization in two-weapon fighting, the bonuses stack so the character receives two bonus dice when parrying.   Players do not have to declare specifically which weapon their character attacks or parries with.   The rules assume the character parries with whatever is best for that particular attack and that is not always the same each time using each weapon to parry roughly half the time. It also assumes that 90% of the time the character strikes a blow, the blow is struck with his primary weapon but the few times a blow is struck with the off-hand weapon, we apply the the Rule of Cool and the Rule of Playability, so the character rolls the same difficulty and damage as with his primary weapon even when striking with the off hand weapon.   A character who has the Advanced Training Merit, “Two Weapon Style” gains Duelist+1 and Disarm+1 when fighting with a with two weapons, assuming he is fighting humanoid opponents on the ground. This stacks with the +1 bonus die from specializing in “two weapon fighting” if the character has that too.

Cover image: by Eron12 with Hero Forge


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