Umeran cyclopes

The Umeran cyclopes may be extinct but they were unusually literate for cyclopes so their written accounts can still be found These cyclopes claimed that all of Cyclops-kind was brutally enslaved by the tyrannical elves during the Second Age. During the chaos of the Second Unmaking they fled to freedom. They hunted and herded the wilds of Umera in the early Third Age, until eventually conflict with the expanding humans caused the cyclopes to dwindle as they competed for the best lands. It didn’t help relations that the cyclopes occasionally ate a human or two.   During the great Elven Wars, when the Umeran humans threw off the yoke of their elven oppressors, the humans were aided by cyclopes eager to enact revenge on their past oppressors. As soon as the Elven Empire was driven off the shores of Umera, the humans betrayed and murdered all the cyclopes who once fought beside them. Now there are no cyclopes on Umera at all though there are rumors that there are a wide variety of one-eyed undead creatures stalk the continent bestowing ill fortune on the descendants of the humans who betrayed them.

Cover image: Head of Polephemos (public domain) by Unknown ancient Greek artist


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