vampire hunters

Vampire hunters used to be a major aspect of life in Scarterra, especially in West Colassia, but the profession was arguably victims of their own success.   After killing most of the vampires in Scarterra, the surviving vampires became a lot more subtle and well hidden, especially in West Colassia eventually causing most vampire hunters to seek other professions. It is not that there are no vampires any more, but they are so hard to find now that a human vampire hunter can search his whole adult life and be lucky to find one.   This lead to the eventual disbanding of the Order of the Torch, the most successful and respected organization of vampire hunters.   The Order of the Torch did keep extensive journals and records and copies of their vampire fighting lore sits on dusty library shelves of the Order of the Lantern and various Khemra aligned temples.


Social Status

Originally this was a very respected profession, but then they were viewed as time wasters and money wasters.


There were several vampire lords, but all but one, Vladimir the Conqueror were very selective on how many vampires they recruited.   Vladimir is said to have sired at least two hundred vampires. And his childer sired more vampires. Vladimir to tried to take over the world with mass numbers and was well on his way to do so before an alliance of almost every human tribe or nation and priesthood rose up against him.   After Vladimir's destruction, there were still hundreds if not thousands of Vladimir's vampiric lineage running around leading to many veterans of The Vampire War dedicating their lives to hunting down remnant vampires. These vampire hunters trained apprentices who went on to create lineages of wisdom going four or five generations at least.
very limited
Related Locations

Cover image: Torch in sconce by Me wi


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