
The wights of my world are very similar to the wights of most D&D campaigns.   Wights are corporeal undead humanoids that resemble twisted versions of their former living selves. Typically have wild hair, pale white skin, claw like finger nails, needle sharp teeth and yellow eyes. Wights are sometimes born spontaneously when a mortal dies with extreme hate in his or her heart, but most wights were either created by a powerful necromancer or they were the victim of a previous wight.   Wights are strong and tough and perfectly capable of using weapons, armor, and sophisticated tactics but they are more feared for their ability to drain a target's life force with their touch. Wights yearn to feed on the life force of mortals, but unlike ghouls, wights can go very long period of time without feeding before they suffer debilitating effects.   The first wights were “born” during the First Age. They are believed to have been an accidental creation when smaller mortals died filled with bitterness around swells of ambient magic. Wights were viewed by the ancient dragons the way real world humans view roaches.   Wights were even harder to wipe out during the Second Age, because they were able to spread through elves, the dominant race of the time.   During the Second Unmaking a few demon armies had contingents of wights, but more often than not, demons found it pragmatic to leave wights to their own devices often seeding areas they pacified with wights before moving on as a barrier to anyone trying to resettle them. A lot of early legends of the Third Age show human heroes clearing out hordes of wights, though many wights remain.   On occasion, wights are created deliberately by mortal necromancers, but this is not common. Wights are expensive and difficult to create and while they are more disciplined than ghouls , most wights are proud and will try to resist a necromancers will. Wights are less likely to slip the leash than ghouls are but they nearly always betray the necromancer directly when they break free. A free ghoul will usually flee the necromancer's presence.

Wights that Can Swim

  Scaraquan necromancers can create wights from mortal Scaraquans just as easily as Scarterrans can do though they are not especially popular even considering that Scaraquans have fewer taboos around necromancy than Scarterrans.   They are no major differences between land wights and sea wights.

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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